Triathlon distances explained

There are a few sports you can watch and say 'I'd love to do that' or 'I wonder if I can do that'? Triathlon (swim, bike and run) is definitely high on that list.
What does it take to be able to do one though? Tom Walker, head of Endurance at InnerFight, is here to help you!
The 4 Main Triathlon Distances
Triathlon can seem a bit complex from the outside, but it shouldn't be. There are four main distances;
- Sprint-distance (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run)
- Olympic or standard-distance (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run)
- Half Ironman or middle-distance (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run)
- Ironman or full-distance (3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run)
We are seeing a rise of a new distance from the T100 race series, this is a 2km swim, 80km bike, 18km run, totaling 100km – hence the name!
You will find all sorts of triathlons with all sorts of distances, but the above covers the most popular.
Get started with Sprint or Olympic distances
Entry to triathlon usually begins with a sprint or Olympic distance. These races can last anywhere from 1 to 5 hours and are a great place to begin in the sport.

The short or standard-distance races are not popular because some consider them to be 'easy', however they can be incredibly intensive if you want them to be. Their popularity stems from a low barrier to entry compared to a middle or full-distance triathlon.
Finding time to train for a triathlon
The main barrier is time to train... These races being much shorter means the total race time is also shorter and therefore training time for most amateur athletes can fit nicely into a normal work/family week. Average training hours for someone working towards these distances is 6-10 hours a week.
Middle-distance with routes into Ironman
Middle-distance triathlons are also extremely popular. The Half-Ironman provides an access route into the full Ironman family of endurance challenges, you get to do some incredible races in incredible locations and run down the red carpet!
Training for middle-distance triathlons
It can be a long day for the unprepared athlete though with the slower ones coming in close to the 8-hour cut-off. Quicker age groupers will be around 5 hours and elites will be coming in close to and just under 4 hours. Training demands for this distance are usually around 8 - 14 hours per week.
Full-distance and Ironman triathlons
Ironman Nice, Challenge Roth, The Norseman... the names are iconic in endurance sports. This odd, 220km distance has become incredibly alluring for some. Easy to enter but incredibly difficult to finish. This distance is not for beginners, it takes a huge commitment.
Commitment is key for full-distance triathlons
10 hours a week is the minimum, athletes looking to do a respectable time will need to commit months and months of between 12 and 18-hour training weeks.
Related: My Top 10 Essential Triathlon Tips
The training hours are long because the race itself can take up to 17 hours, where you then face a cut-off. Elite amateurs will take 8-9 hours to complete the race and other competitors can come in somewhere between the two extremes. Either way, it is a long day out.
Final thoughts
Whichever distance you choose, consistency in the training is key. 12 weeks of consistent, average training always beats 2 - 3 weeks of amazing training. This is key to understand. It's why we always work in longer blocks here at InnerFight Endurance.
Get triathlon ready with InnerFight Endurance!
We like to prepare our athletes properly and give loads of time for life and the wrenches it throws!
We’re currently preparing a lot for the 2024 winter season, where we will see lots of people race Ironman 70.3 Salalah, T100 Dubai and Ironman 70.3 Bahrain alongside the shorter distance local races. Although these races are 5 to 6 months away, the preparation for them is what will make or break the fun on the day. We don't like leaving things to chance!
The InnerFight Endurance Podcast has some great insight into how we prepare our athletes for triathlons, so make sure you check them out!
Understanding your training. Periodisation and training cycles. ep #169
On season VS off season, what's the difference? ep #165
Training to race, compete or complete? ep #161
If you're interested in signing up towards the 2024 Winter triathlon season, get in touch with Tom via
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work
No, running this week as we focus on some longer erg pieces; this can be done with a partner or solo. It’s your choice!
This week, we’ll go upside down with handstand hold progressions before having some fun with handstand push-ups. We’ll then finish with overhead strength work.
Hip rotation & strengthening activating the stabilisers will be the primary focus of this session. We will also be looking at how to create postural changes to help those rounded upper thoracic.
Monday, in pure strength, we are progressing the loading on the paused bench press, building on last week, followed by some upper body pulling strength work. Wednesday, we are back on the low box squat, along with some hamstring accessory work.
This week, we focus on squat clean in weightlifting, with a fun complex followed by some pulls!

Monday Ride
A skills and fitness based ride at the BikeDXB track in Dubai. Some simply structured intervals to enhance cycling ability.
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Saturday - Training Weekend!
We're at Jebel Jais this weekend for our annual Jais Training weekend. If you're interested to know more please email us here.
Location: Jebel Jais
Sunday - Training Weekend!

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding tempo pace for 5mins. Tempo should feel liks a 7/10 effort. After each 5 mins you will have 2 mins easy, which can be a gentle jog or walk. Repeat 5x rounds.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. Today we will be running 800m repeats, and fluctuating between 3km and 5km pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you. Today there is 1km and 400m efforts. We will have cones set out for you, so you do not need to worry about tracking the distance on your watch.
Brief time: 5:54am
Start Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for those who want elevation, and tempo for those who want to push the pace on the flat surface. The choice is yours. (If you are running Two Oceans, we recommend the hills option).
Time: 08:29am
Location: Check WhatsApp and TrainingPeaks
Session: RAK Training Camp
This weekend we will be in RAK for the IFE Training Camp. There will be a long run this morning on Jebel Jais, and an evening Shake-Out run. All details will be shared in the WA group.
Time: 08:44am
Location: Check WhatsApp and TrainingPeaks
Session: RAK Training Camp
Today in RAK we will be doing hill repeats on Jebel Jais. All details will be shared in the WA group.

We kick off the new week with some upper body pressing as we build over 6 rounds in the Push Jerk. Ski, DB Thrusters and Burpees in a workout where you earn your rest by how hard work. We are looking for you to get around 1 minute of rest each round. Will you be able to keep it consistent over the 10 rounds?
Every 2mins x 6 - 5 Touch and Go Push Jerk
Every 3:00 x 10 Rounds
250/200m Ski
8 Double DB Thrusters
6 Burpees
Focusing on Barbell Cycling in the strength with Hang Power Cleans before we fire up the posterior chain with some Tempo Romanian Deadlifts. The conditioning for today is a 5-min effort with 3-min rest. The first AMRAP will bring some fire to your legs and lungs before we hit two high-skill movements in the second AMRAP, which will test your grip and shoulders!
A) Every 90secs x 5 - 6 TnG Hang Power Cleans
B) Every 90secs x 3 - 6 RBLs with a Tempo of 30X1
2 Rounds
5 min AMRAP
10 Box Jump Step Down
15 Russian KB Swings
Rest 3 mins
5 min AMRAP
12 Toes To Bar
30 Double Unders
Rest 3 mins
Executing the Gymnastic Skill of Pull-Ups under fatigue from sprints on the rower! In Part B, we get some volume in wall balls, simple work but effective gains! We then carry over the learnings from the strength into an equal work rest conditioning piece. Will you hit the same wall balls each round?
Every 90secs x 10 Rounds
A) 9/6 Cal Row + 15secs of Pull Ups
B) 45secs Wall Balls
2:30min of Work and 2:30min of Rest x 4
15/12/9 Pull-ups
300/250m row
AMRAPS wall balls
Leg Day!!! Front Squats building up to heavy singles! Then we hit an Open Repeat of 11.4 and put all that OHS work to the test in a workout!
Every 2mins x 6 - 2:2:2:1:1:1 Fron Squat
Open Workout 11.4
60-bar facing burpee
30 OHS 55/45kg
10 Muscle-ups
What better for a Friday than upper bodybuilding strength, Incline Bench, Rows and some Dumbell Raises before we get stuck into some Therapy with a Chipper style workout, which will leave you sweaty and tired!

There are a few sports you can watch and say 'I'd love to do that' or 'I wonder if I can do that'? Triathlon (swim, bike and run) is definitely high on that list.
What does it take to be able to do one though? Tom Walker, head of Endurance at InnerFight, is here to help you!
The 4 Main Triathlon Distances
Triathlon can seem a bit complex from the outside, but it shouldn't be. There are four main distances;
- Sprint-distance (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run)
- Olympic or standard-distance (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run)
- Half Ironman or middle-distance (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run)
- Ironman or full-distance (3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run)
We are seeing a rise of a new distance from the T100 race series, this is a 2km swim, 80km bike, 18km run, totaling 100km – hence the name!
You will find all sorts of triathlons with all sorts of distances, but the above covers the most popular.
Get started with Sprint or Olympic distances
Entry to triathlon usually begins with a sprint or Olympic distance. These races can last anywhere from 1 to 5 hours and are a great place to begin in the sport.

The short or standard-distance races are not popular because some consider them to be 'easy', however they can be incredibly intensive if you want them to be. Their popularity stems from a low barrier to entry compared to a middle or full-distance triathlon.
Finding time to train for a triathlon
The main barrier is time to train... These races being much shorter means the total race time is also shorter and therefore training time for most amateur athletes can fit nicely into a normal work/family week. Average training hours for someone working towards these distances is 6-10 hours a week.
Middle-distance with routes into Ironman
Middle-distance triathlons are also extremely popular. The Half-Ironman provides an access route into the full Ironman family of endurance challenges, you get to do some incredible races in incredible locations and run down the red carpet!
Training for middle-distance triathlons
It can be a long day for the unprepared athlete though with the slower ones coming in close to the 8-hour cut-off. Quicker age groupers will be around 5 hours and elites will be coming in close to and just under 4 hours. Training demands for this distance are usually around 8 - 14 hours per week.
Full-distance and Ironman triathlons
Ironman Nice, Challenge Roth, The Norseman... the names are iconic in endurance sports. This odd, 220km distance has become incredibly alluring for some. Easy to enter but incredibly difficult to finish. This distance is not for beginners, it takes a huge commitment.
Commitment is key for full-distance triathlons
10 hours a week is the minimum, athletes looking to do a respectable time will need to commit months and months of between 12 and 18-hour training weeks.
Related: My Top 10 Essential Triathlon Tips
The training hours are long because the race itself can take up to 17 hours, where you then face a cut-off. Elite amateurs will take 8-9 hours to complete the race and other competitors can come in somewhere between the two extremes. Either way, it is a long day out.
Final thoughts
Whichever distance you choose, consistency in the training is key. 12 weeks of consistent, average training always beats 2 - 3 weeks of amazing training. This is key to understand. It's why we always work in longer blocks here at InnerFight Endurance.
Get triathlon ready with InnerFight Endurance!
We like to prepare our athletes properly and give loads of time for life and the wrenches it throws!
We’re currently preparing a lot for the 2024 winter season, where we will see lots of people race Ironman 70.3 Salalah, T100 Dubai and Ironman 70.3 Bahrain alongside the shorter distance local races. Although these races are 5 to 6 months away, the preparation for them is what will make or break the fun on the day. We don't like leaving things to chance!
The InnerFight Endurance Podcast has some great insight into how we prepare our athletes for triathlons, so make sure you check them out!
Understanding your training. Periodisation and training cycles. ep #169
On season VS off season, what's the difference? ep #165
Training to race, compete or complete? ep #161
If you're interested in signing up towards the 2024 Winter triathlon season, get in touch with Tom via
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work

Monday Ride
A skills and fitness based ride at the BikeDXB track in Dubai. Some simply structured intervals to enhance cycling ability.
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Saturday - Training Weekend!
We're at Jebel Jais this weekend for our annual Jais Training weekend. If you're interested to know more please email us here.
Location: Jebel Jais
Sunday - Training Weekend!

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding tempo pace for 5mins. Tempo should feel liks a 7/10 effort. After each 5 mins you will have 2 mins easy, which can be a gentle jog or walk. Repeat 5x rounds.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. Today we will be running 800m repeats, and fluctuating between 3km and 5km pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you. Today there is 1km and 400m efforts. We will have cones set out for you, so you do not need to worry about tracking the distance on your watch.
Brief time: 5:54am
Start Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for those who want elevation, and tempo for those who want to push the pace on the flat surface. The choice is yours. (If you are running Two Oceans, we recommend the hills option).
Time: 08:29am
Location: Check WhatsApp and TrainingPeaks
Session: RAK Training Camp
This weekend we will be in RAK for the IFE Training Camp. There will be a long run this morning on Jebel Jais, and an evening Shake-Out run. All details will be shared in the WA group.
Time: 08:44am
Location: Check WhatsApp and TrainingPeaks
Session: RAK Training Camp
Today in RAK we will be doing hill repeats on Jebel Jais. All details will be shared in the WA group.

We kick off the new week with some upper body pressing as we build over 6 rounds in the Push Jerk. Ski, DB Thrusters and Burpees in a workout where you earn your rest by how hard work. We are looking for you to get around 1 minute of rest each round. Will you be able to keep it consistent over the 10 rounds?
Every 2mins x 6 - 5 Touch and Go Push Jerk
Every 3:00 x 10 Rounds
250/200m Ski
8 Double DB Thrusters
6 Burpees
Focusing on Barbell Cycling in the strength with Hang Power Cleans before we fire up the posterior chain with some Tempo Romanian Deadlifts. The conditioning for today is a 5-min effort with 3-min rest. The first AMRAP will bring some fire to your legs and lungs before we hit two high-skill movements in the second AMRAP, which will test your grip and shoulders!
A) Every 90secs x 5 - 6 TnG Hang Power Cleans
B) Every 90secs x 3 - 6 RBLs with a Tempo of 30X1
2 Rounds
5 min AMRAP
10 Box Jump Step Down
15 Russian KB Swings
Rest 3 mins
5 min AMRAP
12 Toes To Bar
30 Double Unders
Rest 3 mins
Executing the Gymnastic Skill of Pull-Ups under fatigue from sprints on the rower! In Part B, we get some volume in wall balls, simple work but effective gains! We then carry over the learnings from the strength into an equal work rest conditioning piece. Will you hit the same wall balls each round?
Every 90secs x 10 Rounds
A) 9/6 Cal Row + 15secs of Pull Ups
B) 45secs Wall Balls
2:30min of Work and 2:30min of Rest x 4
15/12/9 Pull-ups
300/250m row
AMRAPS wall balls
Leg Day!!! Front Squats building up to heavy singles! Then we hit an Open Repeat of 11.4 and put all that OHS work to the test in a workout!
Every 2mins x 6 - 2:2:2:1:1:1 Fron Squat
Open Workout 11.4
60-bar facing burpee
30 OHS 55/45kg
10 Muscle-ups
What better for a Friday than upper bodybuilding strength, Incline Bench, Rows and some Dumbell Raises before we get stuck into some Therapy with a Chipper style workout, which will leave you sweaty and tired!
No, running this week as we focus on some longer erg pieces; this can be done with a partner or solo. It’s your choice!
This week, we’ll go upside down with handstand hold progressions before having some fun with handstand push-ups. We’ll then finish with overhead strength work.
Hip rotation & strengthening activating the stabilisers will be the primary focus of this session. We will also be looking at how to create postural changes to help those rounded upper thoracic.
Monday, in pure strength, we are progressing the loading on the paused bench press, building on last week, followed by some upper body pulling strength work. Wednesday, we are back on the low box squat, along with some hamstring accessory work.
This week, we focus on squat clean in weightlifting, with a fun complex followed by some pulls!

There are a few sports you can watch and say 'I'd love to do that' or 'I wonder if I can do that'? Triathlon (swim, bike and run) is definitely high on that list.
What does it take to be able to do one though? Tom Walker, head of Endurance at InnerFight, is here to help you!
The 4 Main Triathlon Distances
Triathlon can seem a bit complex from the outside, but it shouldn't be. There are four main distances;
- Sprint-distance (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run)
- Olympic or standard-distance (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run)
- Half Ironman or middle-distance (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run)
- Ironman or full-distance (3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run)
We are seeing a rise of a new distance from the T100 race series, this is a 2km swim, 80km bike, 18km run, totaling 100km – hence the name!
You will find all sorts of triathlons with all sorts of distances, but the above covers the most popular.
Get started with Sprint or Olympic distances
Entry to triathlon usually begins with a sprint or Olympic distance. These races can last anywhere from 1 to 5 hours and are a great place to begin in the sport.

The short or standard-distance races are not popular because some consider them to be 'easy', however they can be incredibly intensive if you want them to be. Their popularity stems from a low barrier to entry compared to a middle or full-distance triathlon.
Finding time to train for a triathlon
The main barrier is time to train... These races being much shorter means the total race time is also shorter and therefore training time for most amateur athletes can fit nicely into a normal work/family week. Average training hours for someone working towards these distances is 6-10 hours a week.
Middle-distance with routes into Ironman
Middle-distance triathlons are also extremely popular. The Half-Ironman provides an access route into the full Ironman family of endurance challenges, you get to do some incredible races in incredible locations and run down the red carpet!
Training for middle-distance triathlons
It can be a long day for the unprepared athlete though with the slower ones coming in close to the 8-hour cut-off. Quicker age groupers will be around 5 hours and elites will be coming in close to and just under 4 hours. Training demands for this distance are usually around 8 - 14 hours per week.
Full-distance and Ironman triathlons
Ironman Nice, Challenge Roth, The Norseman... the names are iconic in endurance sports. This odd, 220km distance has become incredibly alluring for some. Easy to enter but incredibly difficult to finish. This distance is not for beginners, it takes a huge commitment.
Commitment is key for full-distance triathlons
10 hours a week is the minimum, athletes looking to do a respectable time will need to commit months and months of between 12 and 18-hour training weeks.
Related: My Top 10 Essential Triathlon Tips
The training hours are long because the race itself can take up to 17 hours, where you then face a cut-off. Elite amateurs will take 8-9 hours to complete the race and other competitors can come in somewhere between the two extremes. Either way, it is a long day out.
Final thoughts
Whichever distance you choose, consistency in the training is key. 12 weeks of consistent, average training always beats 2 - 3 weeks of amazing training. This is key to understand. It's why we always work in longer blocks here at InnerFight Endurance.
Get triathlon ready with InnerFight Endurance!
We like to prepare our athletes properly and give loads of time for life and the wrenches it throws!
We’re currently preparing a lot for the 2024 winter season, where we will see lots of people race Ironman 70.3 Salalah, T100 Dubai and Ironman 70.3 Bahrain alongside the shorter distance local races. Although these races are 5 to 6 months away, the preparation for them is what will make or break the fun on the day. We don't like leaving things to chance!
The InnerFight Endurance Podcast has some great insight into how we prepare our athletes for triathlons, so make sure you check them out!
Understanding your training. Periodisation and training cycles. ep #169
On season VS off season, what's the difference? ep #165
Training to race, compete or complete? ep #161
If you're interested in signing up towards the 2024 Winter triathlon season, get in touch with Tom via
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work

Time: 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: Tempo
PM Session only: This evening we will be holding tempo pace for 5mins. Tempo should feel liks a 7/10 effort. After each 5 mins you will have 2 mins easy, which can be a gentle jog or walk. Repeat 5x rounds.
Time: 5:59am
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Session: Track Tuesday
This is your chance to run fast with the wider IFE community and coaches. Today we will be running 800m repeats, and fluctuating between 3km and 5km pace.
Time: 5:59am & 5:59pm
Location: InnerFight
Session: LRC Intervals
If you didn't run track, today we have some speed work for you. Today there is 1km and 400m efforts. We will have cones set out for you, so you do not need to worry about tracking the distance on your watch.
Brief time: 5:54am
Start Time: 5:59am
Location: Common Grounds
Session: The Coffee Run
This week we will have bridge repeats for those who want elevation, and tempo for those who want to push the pace on the flat surface. The choice is yours. (If you are running Two Oceans, we recommend the hills option).
Time: 08:29am
Location: Check WhatsApp and TrainingPeaks
Session: RAK Training Camp
This weekend we will be in RAK for the IFE Training Camp. There will be a long run this morning on Jebel Jais, and an evening Shake-Out run. All details will be shared in the WA group.
Time: 08:44am
Location: Check WhatsApp and TrainingPeaks
Session: RAK Training Camp
Today in RAK we will be doing hill repeats on Jebel Jais. All details will be shared in the WA group.

We kick off the new week with some upper body pressing as we build over 6 rounds in the Push Jerk. Ski, DB Thrusters and Burpees in a workout where you earn your rest by how hard work. We are looking for you to get around 1 minute of rest each round. Will you be able to keep it consistent over the 10 rounds?
Every 2mins x 6 - 5 Touch and Go Push Jerk
Every 3:00 x 10 Rounds
250/200m Ski
8 Double DB Thrusters
6 Burpees
Focusing on Barbell Cycling in the strength with Hang Power Cleans before we fire up the posterior chain with some Tempo Romanian Deadlifts. The conditioning for today is a 5-min effort with 3-min rest. The first AMRAP will bring some fire to your legs and lungs before we hit two high-skill movements in the second AMRAP, which will test your grip and shoulders!
A) Every 90secs x 5 - 6 TnG Hang Power Cleans
B) Every 90secs x 3 - 6 RBLs with a Tempo of 30X1
2 Rounds
5 min AMRAP
10 Box Jump Step Down
15 Russian KB Swings
Rest 3 mins
5 min AMRAP
12 Toes To Bar
30 Double Unders
Rest 3 mins
Executing the Gymnastic Skill of Pull-Ups under fatigue from sprints on the rower! In Part B, we get some volume in wall balls, simple work but effective gains! We then carry over the learnings from the strength into an equal work rest conditioning piece. Will you hit the same wall balls each round?
Every 90secs x 10 Rounds
A) 9/6 Cal Row + 15secs of Pull Ups
B) 45secs Wall Balls
2:30min of Work and 2:30min of Rest x 4
15/12/9 Pull-ups
300/250m row
AMRAPS wall balls
Leg Day!!! Front Squats building up to heavy singles! Then we hit an Open Repeat of 11.4 and put all that OHS work to the test in a workout!
Every 2mins x 6 - 2:2:2:1:1:1 Fron Squat
Open Workout 11.4
60-bar facing burpee
30 OHS 55/45kg
10 Muscle-ups
What better for a Friday than upper bodybuilding strength, Incline Bench, Rows and some Dumbell Raises before we get stuck into some Therapy with a Chipper style workout, which will leave you sweaty and tired!
No, running this week as we focus on some longer erg pieces; this can be done with a partner or solo. It’s your choice!
This week, we’ll go upside down with handstand hold progressions before having some fun with handstand push-ups. We’ll then finish with overhead strength work.
Hip rotation & strengthening activating the stabilisers will be the primary focus of this session. We will also be looking at how to create postural changes to help those rounded upper thoracic.
Monday, in pure strength, we are progressing the loading on the paused bench press, building on last week, followed by some upper body pulling strength work. Wednesday, we are back on the low box squat, along with some hamstring accessory work.
This week, we focus on squat clean in weightlifting, with a fun complex followed by some pulls!

Monday Ride
A skills and fitness based ride at the BikeDXB track in Dubai. Some simply structured intervals to enhance cycling ability.
Start time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: The Loop Cafe, Bike DXB
Track Tuesday
Our weekly on track speed session! For any level of runner looking to build their run speed, threshold and Vo2max fitness and run with the best running community in Dubai.
Time: 05:59 am
Session Length: 1.5 hour
Location: Dubai Sports City Sports Park
Friday - Coffee Run
Our weekly tempo run. This run is currently gearing run fitness towards the incoming half marathons. Sessions are built on an RPE scale and accessible to all levels of runner.
Brief time: 05:54 am
Start time: 05:59 am
Start Location: Common Grounds
Saturday - Training Weekend!
We're at Jebel Jais this weekend for our annual Jais Training weekend. If you're interested to know more please email us here.
Location: Jebel Jais
Sunday - Training Weekend!

There are a few sports you can watch and say 'I'd love to do that' or 'I wonder if I can do that'? Triathlon (swim, bike and run) is definitely high on that list.
What does it take to be able to do one though? Tom Walker, head of Endurance at InnerFight, is here to help you!
The 4 Main Triathlon Distances
Triathlon can seem a bit complex from the outside, but it shouldn't be. There are four main distances;
- Sprint-distance (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run)
- Olympic or standard-distance (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run)
- Half Ironman or middle-distance (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run)
- Ironman or full-distance (3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run)
We are seeing a rise of a new distance from the T100 race series, this is a 2km swim, 80km bike, 18km run, totaling 100km – hence the name!
You will find all sorts of triathlons with all sorts of distances, but the above covers the most popular.
Get started with Sprint or Olympic distances
Entry to triathlon usually begins with a sprint or Olympic distance. These races can last anywhere from 1 to 5 hours and are a great place to begin in the sport.

The short or standard-distance races are not popular because some consider them to be 'easy', however they can be incredibly intensive if you want them to be. Their popularity stems from a low barrier to entry compared to a middle or full-distance triathlon.
Finding time to train for a triathlon
The main barrier is time to train... These races being much shorter means the total race time is also shorter and therefore training time for most amateur athletes can fit nicely into a normal work/family week. Average training hours for someone working towards these distances is 6-10 hours a week.
Middle-distance with routes into Ironman
Middle-distance triathlons are also extremely popular. The Half-Ironman provides an access route into the full Ironman family of endurance challenges, you get to do some incredible races in incredible locations and run down the red carpet!
Training for middle-distance triathlons
It can be a long day for the unprepared athlete though with the slower ones coming in close to the 8-hour cut-off. Quicker age groupers will be around 5 hours and elites will be coming in close to and just under 4 hours. Training demands for this distance are usually around 8 - 14 hours per week.
Full-distance and Ironman triathlons
Ironman Nice, Challenge Roth, The Norseman... the names are iconic in endurance sports. This odd, 220km distance has become incredibly alluring for some. Easy to enter but incredibly difficult to finish. This distance is not for beginners, it takes a huge commitment.
Commitment is key for full-distance triathlons
10 hours a week is the minimum, athletes looking to do a respectable time will need to commit months and months of between 12 and 18-hour training weeks.
Related: My Top 10 Essential Triathlon Tips
The training hours are long because the race itself can take up to 17 hours, where you then face a cut-off. Elite amateurs will take 8-9 hours to complete the race and other competitors can come in somewhere between the two extremes. Either way, it is a long day out.
Final thoughts
Whichever distance you choose, consistency in the training is key. 12 weeks of consistent, average training always beats 2 - 3 weeks of amazing training. This is key to understand. It's why we always work in longer blocks here at InnerFight Endurance.
Get triathlon ready with InnerFight Endurance!
We like to prepare our athletes properly and give loads of time for life and the wrenches it throws!
We’re currently preparing a lot for the 2024 winter season, where we will see lots of people race Ironman 70.3 Salalah, T100 Dubai and Ironman 70.3 Bahrain alongside the shorter distance local races. Although these races are 5 to 6 months away, the preparation for them is what will make or break the fun on the day. We don't like leaving things to chance!
The InnerFight Endurance Podcast has some great insight into how we prepare our athletes for triathlons, so make sure you check them out!
Understanding your training. Periodisation and training cycles. ep #169
On season VS off season, what's the difference? ep #165
Training to race, compete or complete? ep #161
If you're interested in signing up towards the 2024 Winter triathlon season, get in touch with Tom via
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work

There are a few sports you can watch and say 'I'd love to do that' or 'I wonder if I can do that'? Triathlon (swim, bike and run) is definitely high on that list.
What does it take to be able to do one though? Tom Walker, head of Endurance at InnerFight, is here to help you!
The 4 Main Triathlon Distances
Triathlon can seem a bit complex from the outside, but it shouldn't be. There are four main distances;
- Sprint-distance (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run)
- Olympic or standard-distance (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run)
- Half Ironman or middle-distance (1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21km run)
- Ironman or full-distance (3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run)
We are seeing a rise of a new distance from the T100 race series, this is a 2km swim, 80km bike, 18km run, totaling 100km – hence the name!
You will find all sorts of triathlons with all sorts of distances, but the above covers the most popular.
Get started with Sprint or Olympic distances
Entry to triathlon usually begins with a sprint or Olympic distance. These races can last anywhere from 1 to 5 hours and are a great place to begin in the sport.

The short or standard-distance races are not popular because some consider them to be 'easy', however they can be incredibly intensive if you want them to be. Their popularity stems from a low barrier to entry compared to a middle or full-distance triathlon.
Finding time to train for a triathlon
The main barrier is time to train... These races being much shorter means the total race time is also shorter and therefore training time for most amateur athletes can fit nicely into a normal work/family week. Average training hours for someone working towards these distances is 6-10 hours a week.
Middle-distance with routes into Ironman
Middle-distance triathlons are also extremely popular. The Half-Ironman provides an access route into the full Ironman family of endurance challenges, you get to do some incredible races in incredible locations and run down the red carpet!
Training for middle-distance triathlons
It can be a long day for the unprepared athlete though with the slower ones coming in close to the 8-hour cut-off. Quicker age groupers will be around 5 hours and elites will be coming in close to and just under 4 hours. Training demands for this distance are usually around 8 - 14 hours per week.
Full-distance and Ironman triathlons
Ironman Nice, Challenge Roth, The Norseman... the names are iconic in endurance sports. This odd, 220km distance has become incredibly alluring for some. Easy to enter but incredibly difficult to finish. This distance is not for beginners, it takes a huge commitment.
Commitment is key for full-distance triathlons
10 hours a week is the minimum, athletes looking to do a respectable time will need to commit months and months of between 12 and 18-hour training weeks.
Related: My Top 10 Essential Triathlon Tips
The training hours are long because the race itself can take up to 17 hours, where you then face a cut-off. Elite amateurs will take 8-9 hours to complete the race and other competitors can come in somewhere between the two extremes. Either way, it is a long day out.
Final thoughts
Whichever distance you choose, consistency in the training is key. 12 weeks of consistent, average training always beats 2 - 3 weeks of amazing training. This is key to understand. It's why we always work in longer blocks here at InnerFight Endurance.
Get triathlon ready with InnerFight Endurance!
We like to prepare our athletes properly and give loads of time for life and the wrenches it throws!
We’re currently preparing a lot for the 2024 winter season, where we will see lots of people race Ironman 70.3 Salalah, T100 Dubai and Ironman 70.3 Bahrain alongside the shorter distance local races. Although these races are 5 to 6 months away, the preparation for them is what will make or break the fun on the day. We don't like leaving things to chance!
The InnerFight Endurance Podcast has some great insight into how we prepare our athletes for triathlons, so make sure you check them out!
Understanding your training. Periodisation and training cycles. ep #169
On season VS off season, what's the difference? ep #165
Training to race, compete or complete? ep #161
If you're interested in signing up towards the 2024 Winter triathlon season, get in touch with Tom via
Fun - Honesty - Simplicity - SMASH LIFE - Mental Toughness - Hard Work

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